(now serving grades 6-12)
Pre-register for a seat in grades 6-12 using our online enrollment and registration system.
The 2025 Lottery Date is April 1st.
New Roots is a small public school (grades 6-12) with a big mission located in the heart of downtown Ithaca. Open to any student eligible for grades 6-12 in our wider region, our tuition-free college and life preparatory program engages students in learning actively, thinking critically, and solving real world problems creatively and collaboratively, developing the knowledge and skills to turn 21st century challenges into opportunities.
Going to New Roots changed my outlook on going to school. The curriculum is full of hands-on activities and so many extraordinary opportunities. New Roots is a life experience that is unlike any other.
~ NRCS Alum ~
“Inspired by the values of the first people who were stewards of this land, New Roots expresses the core value of respect for self, respect for others, and respect for the environment into all that we learn and do.”
Tina Nilsen-Hodges
New Roots students succeed in finding a life path and purpose through our award-winning program.
Finding the right learning environment for public school is an important decision and we can help. Click below to schedule a conversation to explore if New Roots is right for your family.
We look forward to meeting you!